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Forestry & Natural Resources

Forestry & Natural Resources

Take full advantage of our outdoor classrooms in the heart of the redwood coastal forest.

About Us

The Forestry and Natural Resources (FNR) program at CR prepares you for a career managing public and/or private forested lands for economic, recreational, and conservation purposes. Extensive fieldwork complements classroom discussions about forest ecology, fire and fuels management, inventory, surveying and wildlife biology.


Transfer Opportunities

CR is an affordable head start on the path towards a number of 4-year Bachelor of Science degree programs with concentrations like:

  • Natural Resource Management & Conservation
  • Forest Operations and Business
  • Forest Biology
  • Forest Engineering
  • Urban Forestry

Many of our core classes transfer one-for-one with Humboldt State University's Forestry Program. If you’re looking to transfer outside of California, many universities across the country accept CR’s FNR courses.

Class Search

What to Expect

You will make good use of CR’s 270-acre campus that boasts stands of coast redwood, Douglas fir and other native species, as well as the other forest ecosystems of the national and state parks which are only a short drive away.  These forested environments are our outdoor classrooms where you will learn to apply lecture concepts and master field techniques. Internships are also available with local forestry-based businesses.

Employment opportunities include:

  • Forester
  • Conservation and Resource Manager
  • Remote Sensing Technician
  • Wildland Fire Ecologist
  • Park Ranger / Interpreter
  • Forest Road Technician
  • Forestry Aide for CALFIRE

California Employment Statistics

Forest Technician


Median Wage with an Associate’s Degree

Projected Job Growth


Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics Job Outlook 2018-2028

Job Growth

We are surrounded by private, state, and federal employment opportunities. Employers of CR graduates include the U.S. Forest Service and other federal agencies, CalFIRE, various forest industry companies, private consultants, and non-governmental organizations. Even more opportunities exist for students who are prepared to move elsewhere in the state or country.

The job outlook for foresters and forest technicians is robust. Fifty percent of current foresters/technicians are projected to retire within the next five years, which will open up new entry-level positions as more experienced foresters move up the promotion ladder.

fast Fact
CR’s Associate of Science, Forest Technology degree satisfies two years of the seven-year requirement for California’s Registered Professional Forester exam.
fast Fact

SAF Logo College of the Redwood’s Forestry and Natural Resources Associate of Science Degree is a Candidate for accreditation by the Society of American Foresters.


“I have been fortunate enough to put all the knowledge I have gained from CR together with my past work experience to start two forestry businesses around forest restoration and drone/remote sensing technology…I highly recommend their program to anyone and everyone looking to further their understanding of natural resource management.”

- Joe Snipes (FNR 2017 graduate)

GPS and GIS, Remote Sensing Technology

Going forward, all forestry, ecology, wildlife and natural resource jobs will require experience with Geographic Information Systems (GIS). CR is your path to that goal. You’ll leave here with skills in global positioning, geospatial analysis, digital mapping, and 3-D terrain modeling.

Our Summer Drone Academy teaches the physics of flight and weather, how to plan, deploy, and manage drone related data, and how to personally pilot a drone in order to collect data.


Contact Us

General Questions Phone : 476-4135 Email :
Admissions Phone: 476-4200 Email:
Financial Aid Phone: 476-4182 Email:
Counseling Phone: 476-4150 Email:

Division Information

Career Education

 Mike Haley, Dean

 Gussie Solem, Administrative Secretary

 CTE Division Office, AT-100C

  2023 College of the Redwoods